Soap Box


I have a couple of boxes in my office & they have been there for a few months so I decided to declutter.
But, first let me research Procrastination can you see what I'm doing?
The definition - Delay, Postpone, Putting off, Stall & more.
Sure it looks like a huge scary word with 4 syllables as though the word itself was created, folded neatly, stands proud, demands respect and is now complete.
So what is it really when broken down lets have a look.
1. The thought has to come first.

Students of How to be Human Beings

I am still learning how to be the human I was created to be.
Birth - 1-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 & 60+.
The above looks like a lot of time in the human scale but the lessons have not always been linear.
If i were a robot a formula for each decade would have produced a machine of knowledge.
To be human we can't just look at the physical & mental capabilities alone oh! no! there are the nuances for they are the essentials of being human.

New Years Eve 311219

I'm sure we say this every year "didn't 19 blah blah or 20 blah blah go fast".
Yes! it did & keeps going faster every year what does it mean when the older you are the faster time goes. It seems i just get used to the sound of the year & bang its gone!
Ok! here I am looking at the last remnants of 2019 and again that feeling of sadness one would have for a friend leaving for a foreign land knowing you may never see them again.

Un Entertaining

What happened to our entertainment???
Has someone stolen our TV sets & replaced it with a Box load of garbage!
We are so accepting of whatever crap the TV exec want to shove in front of us we no longer even question it.
For goodness sake watching a show about people watching a show WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???? pardon the pun.
I grew up in the time when Saturday arvo movies were of Westerns, Romances and the like where you could admire & enjoy the story of unrealness.